School Website Compliance
From theEducationCollective

More than just a checklist, we can help you become compliant and stay compliant

The School Website has grown in significance over the last decade and is now seen as a vital instrument in the effective running of a school.

There are ever increasing expectations and statutory requirements in place covering a host of different areas and most schools are failing to meet them without realising.

How We Can Help

theEducationCollective can not only audit your school website against all these requirements, but we will give you additional information about the best ways to not only achieve compliance but put simple systems and procedures in place to make sure you continue to be compliant in the future.

Our team will provide a detailed report of the different areas, including references for where all the information currently sits on your website. They will highlight the areas that are not compliant, with the reasons why, but also indicate areas where improvements could be made in the way information is communicated.

The Process

Our team can audit your website remotely without the need to visit the school, we do not require any information from the school to undertake the audit so there are no forms to complete or questionnaires to fill in. Once you give us the go ahead, within three working days we will provide you with an interactive, online report with all the information you need. Our team will then be on hand to talk through any questions or queries you have about the report.

The Cost

We offer three different tiers of website compliance support:

Stand Alone Website Compliance Audit - £250 per audit

We will undertake a single audit of your website at a moment in time and report our findings to you via our interactive report and telephone briefing (approx 30 mins depending on the number of issues to discuss)

If you have any items where we find you are not fully compliant then we can undertake a follow up mini-audit of those items once you let us know you think you have resolved them and update the report accordingly

Annual Website Compliance Standard Support Package - £550 per year

We will undertake three website audits throughout the year at key times to ensure that you stay compliant. On each occasion we will report our findings via our interactive report and provide a telephone briefing (approx 30 mins depending on the number of issues to discuss)

Throughout the year we will let you know of any legislation or recommendation changes that have either been implemented or are due to be implemented and provide advice on how to incorporate the new content into your website

Annual Website Compliance Premium Support Package - £850 per year

The premium support package includes everything in the standard package, but includes us updating your website for you.

We will maintain a list of the individuals responsible for each section of the checklist and co-ordinate with them to arrange for any information that is not found to be compliant to be updated and sent to us, we will then either upload this to your website for you (if login details can be provided), or liaise directly with the person responsible for updating your website.

All our prices are based on a single school, but discounts are available if schools wish to purchase collaboratively, for example schools within a single MAT or federation. Please get in touch for more information

Contact Us

If you have any questions or would like to discuss any of our services in more detail then please get in touch:

Twitter: @EducationCol
Phone: 0330 2234208
Email: enquiry@​theEducation​